Education under Occupation
Forced Russification of the School System in Occupied Ukrainian Territories

Millions of children have no access to education, work long hours under hazardous conditions, or have their safety and futures threatened by armed conflict. They suffer targeted attacks on their schools and teachers or languish in institutions, prisons, or detention centers, where they endure inhumane conditions and assaults on their dignity, including physical and sexual assault. These abuses affect their development and may result in a loss of opportunities that are needed for healthy growth. Young and still developing, they may be exploited by the very individuals responsible for their care. We are working to help protect the rights of children around the world, so they can learn safely, be treated fairly, and thrive as they grow into adults.
Forced Russification of the School System in Occupied Ukrainian Territories
Fees as a Discriminatory Barrier to Pre-Primary Education in Uganda
How Michigan’s Forced Parental Consent for Abortion Law Hurts Young People
The Impact of Unregistered Marriages on Women’s and Children’s Rights in Iraq
First Data Privacy Safeguard of Its Kind in the Country Protects Children
Data Privacy Safeguards Needed to Protect Against Exploitation
New Report Shows Fewer Attacks, but Increasing Military Use of Schools
New Website Shines a Light on Contributions of People Released
New Report Highlights Need to Protect Schools
Palestine, Other Major Conflicts Drive Much of the Increase
Focus on Free Quality Education; Expedite Positive Measures for Girls
UN Chief Also Lists Palestinian Armed Groups, Russia, Sudanese Forces