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Incendiary damage to the Imam al-Kazem school, an IDP gathering site in El Geneina. © 2023 Roots for Human Rights and Monitoring Violations
  • 快速支援部队率同民兵组织进攻苏丹西达尔富尔省首府朱奈纳,杀害至少数千人并导致数十万人沦为难民。
  • 疑似以迫其至少永久迁离为目的,对马撒利特人和其他非阿拉伯社群施加严重暴行,构成种族清洗罪。
  • 联合国和非洲联盟应立即对苏丹实施武器禁运,对严重犯罪责任人实施制裁,并部署特派团以保护平民。

(内罗毕)-人权观察今天发表的报告中指出,快速支援部队(Rapid Support Forces,简称RSF)率同民兵组织进攻苏丹西达尔富尔省首府朱奈纳(El Geneina),杀害至少数千人并导致数十万人沦为难民。发生这些危害人类罪行和广泛战争罪行的背景,是对朱奈纳市内和周围马撒利特(Massalit)族群和其他非阿拉伯裔人口的族群清洗行动。

这份218页的报告《‘马撒利特人将不再回家’:苏丹西达尔富尔省朱奈纳的族群清洗和危害人类罪行》记录快速支援部队(与苏丹政府军武装冲突中的一支独立军队)以及主要属于阿拉伯裔的同盟民兵组织,包括武装团体塔马祖伊第三阵线(the Third-Front Tamazuj),以朱奈纳市马撒利特人占多数社区为目标,从4月到6月进行的数波残酷攻击。攻击者还犯下其他暴行,例如酷刑、强奸和抢劫。自2023年4月迄今,已有超过50万难民从西达尔富尔逃往乍得。截至2023年10月下旬,百分之75的难民来自朱奈纳。


Jamal Abdullah Khamis, Human Rights Lawyer from El Geneina


Of everything that happened what disturbed me most was what happened at the Mohamed Adam Clinic.


When I walked in, I found my friend Mudather in the southeast corner of the clinic. 


It was as if he was sleeping.


He didn’t look like he was dead.


He looked completely normal.


But in fact, he was dead.


When I arrived, they told me that he’d been shot in the back by a bullet.


They told me he was shot with a DShK gun because the bullet was big.


It went in, and it didn’t come out.


Narration by Mohamed Osman, researcher, Human Rights Watch


On April 15, 2023, war breaks out in Sudan.


It marks an escalation of the power struggle between two military leaders who have vied for power since they jointly overthrew a power-sharing government in October 2021.


The war pits the military against an autonomous force known as the Rapid Support Forces, or RSF.


By April 24, 2023, the conflict spreads to El Geneina, the capital of West Darfur.


The atrocities that follow are documented by Jamal and other local human rights activists with the aim of bringing those responsible to justice.


Jamal Abdullah Khamis, Human Rights Lawyer from El Geneina


I was at al-Sadaqa Clinic on April 24, from the first day of the events, with a group of my colleagues from our organization.


We were working in the clinic.


Our role was documenting violations against the injured and the dead.


Everyone who was brought to the clinic we would document.


The number, their names, (ethnic) backgrounds and information.


We were documenting all of these things.


Narration by Mohamed Osman, researcher, Human Rights Watch


Jamal and his colleagues notice a pattern to the killings.


The RSF and allied Arab militias were targeting doctors, lawyers and human rights activists.


Majority-Massalit neighborhoods and camps for internally displaced people were also being systematically targeted. 


The violence feels all too familiar to Jamal and others in West Darfur state, who recall fleeing their home villages in the early 2000s after being attacked by the Janjaweed, the predecessor of the RSF.


Thousands were displaced, including many Massalit people.


They found refuge in the camps for internally displaced people that swelled the outskirts of El Geneina.


The conflict then occurred against a backdrop of long-standing tensions over land and other resources between non-Arab farmers, such as the Massalit, and nomadic Arab communities who were starting to settle.


On June 15th, 2023, RSF and Arab militias overwhelm the remaining Massalit-majority neighborhoods.


Tens of thousands of Massalit and other non-Arabs try to flee central El Geneina for its northern suburb of Ardamata, where there’s a Sudanese Armed Forces base.


The RSF and militias attack the convoy, injuring and killing men, women, and children.


Jamal Abdullah Khamis, Human Rights Lawyer from El Geneina


I was accompanying my (injured) friend, Yousef Haroun Kabello.


Minutes later around eight militiamen appeared wearing RSF uniforms.


There were others with them from these well-known Arab militias.


They were arguing with people.


They stopped the cars.


They opened fire on us.


They shot at the chests of children, women, old and young men.


It was a harrowing scene.


We thought about how to escape.


But we needed a way to escape.


How were we going to escape?


They started chasing people down the valley and firing on people who were in the water.


It was terrifying.


We couldn’t go back or move forward.


We hid in some grass and bushes on the edge of the valley.


That was at dawn on (June) 15th before sunrise.


Then a chance came to run back.


In al-Majliss neighborhood we experienced something terrifying.


When we were going down the street we saw bodies everywhere, of women and children.


They were the bodies of people we knew personally.


But you can’t stop and help someone who is dead in the street.


We kept running because we were being chased.


TEXT: The killings continue for several days in El Geneina and on the road to Chad, where tens of thousands of civilians, including Jamal, flee in search of refuge.


Jamal Abdullah Khamis, Human Rights Lawyer from El Geneina


I found someone I knew and said, “Let my friend Kabello ride with you, he’s injured. It’s not a problem, I’ll walk behind with everyone else.”


He said, “My car is full, but he can get in.”


After a while we were attacked.


Bullets started showering us from all directions and people were being killed.


A child of around nine years old, came to me crying hysterically and was holding on to me.


While we were walking, we came to a big trench.


But the militiamen probably saw us going in there, because they were nearby.


They forced us out and started beating us, torturing us, and firing just over our heads.


They were arguing about whether to kill us or not.


Those who had belongings, they took them.


I had my two mobile phones, a USB stick, and some cash.


The nine-year-old child was lying down by my side.


The beating and torturing intensified, they were using a metal rod, some sticks, and whips to beat us.


We were lying on our stomachs, and he stood up.


The young boy couldn’t handle it anymore.


They shot him in the head, and his head exploded.


He died immediately.


A second group also started beating and interrogating us.


They asked what tribes we were from.


If you answered that you are Massalit, they would kill you immediately.


I denied that I am Massalit even though I am Massalit.


They pressured me, and I told them I am from the Bargo tribe.


They brought someone to talk to me in the Bargo language and I replied because I know how to speak it.


He said, “Brother, go.”


We entered Chad.


We were shocked to see Chadian officials in front of us.


Chadian military uniforms are very similar to RSF uniforms.


They were also carrying whips.


They all had a whip and a gun.


The RSF have the same.


When our group ran towards them (the troops) they told us to stop running.


We were surprised, and thought it was the RSF again.


We ran back towards Adikong (in Sudan).


The soldiers ran after us and said, “We are Chadian officials.”


We weren’t convinced until we saw the Chadian flag on their uniform.


“We’re Chadian officials. This is Chad, you are safe.”


“Many of your people arrived here before you. Welcome.”


I was very tired, and they took me to the hospital.


When I was in the hospital, who did I find?


The man who was with me.


My friend Kabello that I helped into the car.


He made it, and they took him to the hospital.


That was our horrific journey.


Despite the huge shock and gruesome massacres that happened in West Darfur, I still have a lot of hope.


Life in refugee camps and abroad is very tough.


It’s no place to live.


I have hope that El Geneina will recover, and we will go back soon.


That depends on rebuilding the justice system.


We need justice to be carried out.


We need the principles of human rights and international law.


That speak of the dignity of human life and the dignity of people.


If these are embodied in West Darfur, then there is hope that we can return to El Geneina.


The international community should deploy a mission to protect civilians in Sudan.


TEXT: The international community should also impose sanctions against those responsible for atrocities and establish an arms embargo on Sudan.

“当联合国安全理事会和各国政府在法希尔(El Fasher)警觉到灾难迫近之际,发生在朱奈纳的大规模暴行应被视为警讯,不采取一致行动便可能迎来暴行, “ 人权观察组织执行长蒂拉娜・哈桑(Tirana Hassan)说。“各国政府、非洲联盟和联合国必须立即采取行动保护平民。”



朱奈纳暴行发生在苏丹首都喀土穆爆发战斗的九天之后,交战双方分别是苏丹武装部队(SAF,即苏丹政府军)和快速支援部队(RSF)。 4月24日上午,RSF与途径朱奈纳的SAF车队发生冲突。随后,RSF及其同盟团体袭击马撒利特人占多数社区,与保卫自己社区的马撒利特武装团体发生冲突。接下来几个星期,甚至在马撒利特武装团体已失去对其社区控制之后,RSF及其同盟民兵仍对无武装平民进行有计划的攻击。

6月15日,RSF及其盟友开火攻击一支绵延数公里、由马撒利特武装团体护卫的平民逃难队伍。 RSF和民兵团体追逐、包围和枪杀沿街逃跑或试图泳渡卡贾河(Kajja)急流的男女老少。许多人因此溺毙。老人和伤患也未能幸免。









人权观察确认,对实施前述各项罪行的部队负有指挥责任者包括RSF指挥官穆罕默德・“赫梅迪”・哈姆丹・达加洛(Mohammed “Hemedti” Hamdan Dagalo)、他的兄弟阿卜杜勒・拉希姆・哈姆丹・达加洛(Abdel Raheem Hamdan Dagalo)和西达尔富尔RSF指挥官裘马・巴拉卡拉(Joma'a Barakallah)。人权观察并指出对犯下严重罪行的战斗人员负有责任的RSF盟友,包括一名塔马祖伊武装团体指挥官和两名阿拉伯裔部落首领。


“全球在如此严重的暴行面前无所作为是不可原谅的,” 哈桑说。“各国政府应确保相关责任人受到究责,包括通过针对制裁以及加强与国际刑事法院合作。” 

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