Namibia Court Decriminalizes Consensual Same-Sex Conduct
A Major Step for Equality, Nondiscrimination, and Inclusion in Africa
A Major Step for Equality, Nondiscrimination, and Inclusion in Africa
New Website Shines a Light on Contributions of People Released
Release, Drop Charges Against 11 People Wrongfully Arrested
Doha 3’ Meeting Won’t Address Taliban’s Systemic Abuses of Women’s Rights
20 Dead, Dozens Wounded in Horrific Attacks
State Bans Violate Rights of Millions to Privacy, Health, Nondiscrimination
Sign Safe Schools Declaration; Ensure Rights of Children to Safe Education
Regulations Will Further Restrict Media Freedom
Delivered by Steve Goose, Arms Campaigns Director
Fifth Anniversary of ILO Convention on Violence and Harassment
To Lam’s rise to power is indicative of the Vietnam government’s worsening repression and utter hostility to basic civil and political rights