Greece/Macedonia: Asylum Seekers Trapped at Border
Blocked Access to Asylum; Beatings by Soldiers; Poor Conditions

July 10, 2018
Western Balkan and European Union leaders meet in London this week for a summit that could be a chance to revive stalled reforms and focus attention on critical issues. Unfortunately, there is every chance it will turn out to be full of hot air
Blocked Access to Asylum; Beatings by Soldiers; Poor Conditions
Police Brutality against Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Macedonia
Protect Asylum Seekers, Roma; Ensure Media Freedom; Prosecute War Crimes
Neighbors Set to Meet at Summit Lack Capacity to Protect Refugees
Beaten, Insulted at Border and in Detention
Investigate, Punish Abuse, Ensure Shelter
Request to repeal amendment XXXIII to the Constitution and to grant equal rights to same sex couples in relationship legislation