Middle East and North Africa: End Curbs on Women’s Mobility
Male Guardianship Rules Hamper Travel, Other Movement

A political stalemate has indefinitely delayed national elections slated for December 2021. Since March 2022, two authorities vie for control: the eastern-based Government of National Stability, and the incumbent interim Government of National Unity based in Tripoli. Armed groups and authorities remain responsible for systematic abuses including long-term arbitrary detention, unlawful killings, torture, and forced disappearances. Hundreds remain missing since the end of the 2019 Tripoli war and thousands remain displaced in Libya due to damaged properties, presence of landmines, or fear of persecution. Migrants and asylum seekers face arbitrary detention, ill-treatment, and extortion by armed groups and smugglers.
Male Guardianship Rules Hamper Travel, Other Movement
Torture, Disappearances, Killings in War-Time Prisons
ICC Prosecutor Should Investigate Use of Unlawful Mines, Booby Traps
Increase Support for Clearance, Recovery Assistance around Tripoli
Independent Investigation Needed; Prioritize Reconstruction
Male Guardianship Rules Hamper Travel, Other Movement
Allow Aid Access; Take People to Safety
Severe Restrictions on Local, International Civil Society
Missed Opportunity to Tackle EU Responsibility in Migrant Rights Violations
Release People Held Merely for Peaceful Expression
Continued Investigation of Rights Situation in the Country Remains Essential
Italy and EU Ignore Lessons from Crotone Shipwreck Tragedy
Ensure Due Process; Allow Access to Family, Legal Counsel