Eritrea: Crackdown on Draft Evaders’ Families
Collective Punishment Over Forced Conscription Campaign

Eritrea’s government subjects its population to widespread repression, including widespread forced labor and conscription, staunch restrictions on freedom of expression, opinion, and faith, and restricting independent scrutiny by international monitors. It collectively punishes relatives of alleged draft evaders and deserters. As a one-man dictatorship under President Isaias Afewerki, Eritrea has no legislature, no independent civil society organizations or media outlets, and no independent judiciary. Throughout 2022, Eritrean forces remained in parts of Ethiopia’s Tigray region where they have continued to commit serious violations, including killings, pillage, and rape.
Collective Punishment Over Forced Conscription Campaign
Need for Urgent Protection, Assistance; Thousands Still Missing
Protect Students, Teachers in Region; Endorse Safe Schools Declaration
UN Should Urgently Investigate Atrocities by All Parties
HRW oral statement - ID with Special Rapporteur on Eritrea - HRC53
Item 2 - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Eritrea
Immediately Free Ciham Ali Abdu and Others Unlawfully Held
Two Years of Conflict Highlights Importance of Justice to End Atrocities
Immediate Humanitarian Access, Protection of Communities Key
African Committee Should Press Countries to Respect Girls’ Right to Education
39th Ordinary Session, 2022