Carlos Ríos Espinosa
Carlos is a top expert on international disability rights, serving on the CRPD Committee (UN treaty body) from 2011 to 2014, including as Vice Chair for 2 years. In this role, he was very involved in the Committee’s jurisprudence on legal capacity, torture, right to liberty and access to justice. Carlos is a lawyer and expert on criminal justice, and has been involved in criminal procedure reform in Mexico since 2004. In 2013, the Mexican Senate appointed him as National Commissioner for Victims, where he oversaw the activities of the special committees against torture and kidnapping. Since 2015, he has worked with the Human Rights Clinic of Mexico’s National University to litigate human rights abuses against people with disabilities. He has also served as a board member of the Mexico City Human Rights Commission. Carlos has a law degree from Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico, and a Masters in comparative criminal systems from University of Barcelona, Spain. He speaks Spanish, French and English. In his spare time, he loves to read literature, go to concerts and enjoy his family.
Articles Authored
January 18, 2024
New Disabilities Plan in Brazil Leaves Many Out
November 25, 2023
Protect Women with Disabilities from Violence in Mexico
April 25, 2023
A Procedure Centered in the Person
February 16, 2023
On the Right to Decide
November 17, 2022
A Positive Move to Support People with Disabilities
September 28, 2022
High Toll of Violence For Women With Disabilities New Survey Reveals
Reports Authored
“They Stay until They Die”
A Lifetime of Isolation and Neglect in Institutions for People with Disabilities in Brazil