Middle East and North Africa: End Curbs on Women’s Mobility
Male Guardianship Rules Hamper Travel, Other Movement

Algerian authorities continue to arrest and imprison peaceful activists, human rights defenders, and journalists for their critical expression. Some of them face terrorism-related charges based on an overbroad definition of terrorism. The authorities have dubiously labeled two political opposition groups, the Rachad Movement, and the Movement for the Self-Determination of the Kabylie region (MAK) as “terrorist organizations” in May 2021. The crackdown on opposition parties, independent civil society organizations, and media outlets connected to the “Hirak” pro-reform protest movement has intensified since President Abdelmadjid Tebboune was elected in 2019. Between June 2022 and April 2023, the authorities dissolved two prominent organizations, the Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights (LADDH) and Rassemblement Action Jeunesse (RAJ) as well as two media outlets, Radio M and Maghreb Emergent.
Male Guardianship Rules Hamper Travel, Other Movement
More than 170 protesters face prison terms
Leaders Arrested Ahead of Disputed Presidential Elections
Arrests, Roadblocks Curbing Peaceful Marches
(September 16 - 26, 2023)
Male Guardianship Rules Hamper Travel, Other Movement
Relatives, Journalist, Scholar Jailed in Apparent Retribution
Authorities’ Latest Blow to Independent Civil Society
Slimane Bouhafs Held for Offenses Including Insulting Islam, Terrorism
Efforts to Crush Domestic Protests Reaches Algerians Abroad
The #NotACrime Digital Campaign Was Launched by 38 Organizations, Including Human Rights Watch
Allow Those Barred from Leaving to Return to Canada
Sentenced to Year in Prison for Spreading ‘False’ Information